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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪmər] 英式发音: [ˈɡeɪmə(r)]





1.电脑游戏玩家a person who likes playing computer games

2.坚毅的运动员a player who is enthusiastic and works hard

n.1.someone who plays games, especially computer games or games in which you pretend to be a character2.a players action in a sports competition that wins the game for their team

1.真人游戏 蹦迪: disco dancing 电脑游戏迷gamer 家庭主男: house-husband ...

3.天地逃生 (plug-in unit) 插件 (gamer) 玩家,玩游戏的人 (- Simulation Game) 经营模拟游戏 ...

5.巴哈姆特 http://pig.tw/gamebase 游戏基地 http://pig.tw/gamer 巴哈姆特 http://pig.tw/gamez 铁之狂傲 ...

6.游戏玩家专为游戏玩家Gamer)、多媒体(Multi-media)、影像美工设计(Graphic Designer)等高阶使用者(PRO)仕样。采用流 …

7.极限游戏[英] 极限游戏 (gamer) (2009) 极限游戏 连身比基尼睡衣(黑) 两个日本极限游戏推广美女 极限游戏 (gamer) 蓝光旗舰店:极限游戏 …


1.A girl gamer - a real one, not a Booth Babe or someone's girlfriend trying to bond through an MMO - can get what she needs on her own.女性玩家——真正的女性,不是展会宝贝,也不是某人通过网游结识的女朋友——能得到她自己想要的东西。

2.One leading gamer in his twenties appeared to be slim and healthy with a physique similar to an endurance athlete.有一个著名玩家在20多岁的时候看上去身形苗条健康,身体机能和那些耐力好的运动员差不多。

3."Back then I just figured I was dating a gamer, and that's how it was going to be, " she said to me recently.“现在想起来,我很清楚我当初在做什么,我跟一个游戏玩家恋爱,而这就是唯一的结果。”最近她对我说。

4.I've always been a gamer. Back when I was a teenager, I played a Star Trek game on a college mainframe computer.我从来就是个游戏玩家,十几岁时就在一所大学的大型机上玩《星际旅行》(StarTrek)。

5.But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.但如今游戏玩家更像是在上下班途中用智能手机玩《愤怒的小鸟》的中年人。

6.If you're not a hardcore gamer, you might be almost as scared of going into one of their communities as you would be visiting a biker club.和你去参观摩托车俱乐部一样,如果你不是个游戏发烧友,你对加入他们的团体会感到害怕。

7.To do this, you need to be able to extract the image of the gamer's avatar, complete with accessories, from the game graphics database.为此,需要能够从游戏图形数据库中提取出玩家的化身,包括玩家拥有的装备。

8.Now, in order to actually spend money one of these things, I imagine you'd have to be a pretty hardcore gamer, right?现在看来,如果真的要购买这样的装置的话,我想你一定是一个骨灰级玩家了,没错吧?

9."By then it should have dawned on every gamer that this is not your regular first-person shooter, but it's something very different. "“那时玩家就会开始明白,这不是一款普通的射击游戏,这是与众不同的。”

10.The right to access the new content could be listed as a catalog item external to the game for the gamer to purchase.访问新内容的权利可以实现为游戏外产品目录中的一种商品,玩家可以购买这种商品,就像购买门票一样。
